The Window Source of Morgantown

6528 Mall Rd. Morgantown, WV 26501

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Q: What is the best way to compare windows?

Reviewing the NFRC rating for each window you are considering is the only reliable approach to compare windows. Independently accredited NFRC labels rate the overall window performance based on the U-Factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC). The window will function better the lower these ratings are. Depending on your climate, U-Factor or SHGC should be prioritized. The best NFRC ratings for your environment and within your budget should be the ones you select, regardless of the sales pitch.

Q: What is an Energy Star®rated window?

The Federal Government’s Energy Star® window certification program can assist you in choosing windows that are energy efficient and climate adapted. To qualify, a window must meet minimal performance standards. These standards, which are based on NFRC whole window performance ratings, differ for each of the following four climate zones:

Northern Zone (blue): U-Factor of .30 or less, SHGC any

North Central Zone (yellow): U-Factor of .32 or less, SHGC of .40 or less

South Central Zone (orange): U-Factor of .35 or less, SHGC of .30 or less

Southern Zone (red): U-Factor of .60 or less, SHGC of .27 or less

Q: Does The Window Source install Energy Star® windows and patio doors?

Yes – The Energy Star® requirements for the climate zone where the purchase was made are applicable to any window or patio door ordered with a Low E glass upgrade. To ensure that you order and receive the best Low E glass that is tailored to your individual climate zone, this assurance is always provided in writing on your contract documents.

Q: Are there tax credits available when replacing windows and doors?

Yes, for our Energy Star® products. You may be eligible to receive a 10% federal tax credit of up to $200 for windows and $500 for patio doors that meet Energy Star® guidelines. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides federal tax credits and deductions that empower Americans to make homes and buildings more energy-efficient to help reduce energy costs while reducing demand as we transition to cleaner energy sources. New federal income tax credits are available through 2032 providing up to $3,200 annually to lower the cost of energy efficient home upgrades by up to 30 percent.

Q: How can The Window Source be so much more affordable than their competitors?

Due to our extensive national purchasing power, The Window Source can provide you with excellent vinyl windows at incredibly low prices. Additionally, we are incredibly efficient and pass the savings on to you thanks to our low prices and simple purchasing process.

Q: Is the installation process as important as the window product itself?

In order to fit the opening and give enough room for plumbing and squaring the new window, a window must be carefully measured. No matter how high the quality of the new window, it will not seal and work effectively if it is not squared and properly plumbed.

Call The Window Source Today For A Free Estimate!